Creating permanent notes should take some effort

The main idea behind permanent notes is that it should be the result of processing information and use this information to generate knowledge. In order to do so, you need to follow some guidelines:

  • Always use your own words and ideas. You can reference –note to references– as many sources as needed (0..N) if you feel you need to, but the text should be redacted by yourself.
  • Try to create notes as atomic as posible. You want to stick to one knowledge unit, and use connection to relate different knowledge units and generate new knowledge 20210224210526.

This means that, in order to properly take notes, you have to focus on it. Is not collecting information and dumping it on a note that you may never see again thinking that it could be useful some day. Gathering information only doesn’t generate knowledge.

Notes References

20210224210526 Properly linking notes to reinforce what you learn and generate new ideas

20210224205008 INDEX - Zettlekasten
