Computer Vision - Segmentation

Segmentation is the process of dividing the image in parts that correspond to continuous objects. This can be achieved in many ways:

  • Model Based Vision: compare what is detected with stored models. Usually needs to perform a lot of calculations and transformations to the image.
  • Motion vision: use motion to facilitate visual processing.
  • Stereo vision: use combine points of view to reconstruct 3D objects.
  • Texture, shading and contour processing.
  • Color 20220204185448: commonly used in behavioral and reactive robotic 20210602191112.

Notes References

20210709195051 INDEX - Computer Vision

20210602191112 Cameras and in Computer vision Robotics - Basics

20220204185448 Color segmentation and color histograms


(Murphy 2000)

Murphy, Robin. 2000. Introduction to AI Robotics. Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.