Cameras and Computer vision in Robotics - Basics

Vision is, indeed, a very complex problem and not only in robotics. It is considered a topic on itself, and it is mostly a computation problem, as you receive light levels and you need to process those levels to obtain information. In robotics, this information is needed in order to take action. Robots can have many different cameras 20220204192135.

There is an specific index for this topic. 20210709195051

Basic processing and operations

There are some basic techniques in computer vision that are used in robotics:

However, in robotic vision, we need to simplify things in order to quickly process the information that we need in order to respond accordingly. Full image processing using complex techniques can’t be done, some of the alternatives being:

  • Use of color, very common on reactive robots 20220204185448
  • Use of color and movement
  • Use a small image plane
  • Combine other sensors with vision
  • Use knowledge of the environment

Notes References

20210514183815 INDEX - Robotics

20210709195051 INDEX - Computer Vision

20220204185448 Color segmentation and color histograms

20210523205908 Robotics Complex Sensors - Basics


(Matariâc 2007) (Murphy 2000)

Matariâc, Maja J. 2007. The Robotics Primer. Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents Series. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.

Murphy, Robin. 2000. Introduction to AI Robotics. Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.