The Closed World Assumption Problem

When using a world model, this needs, in order to the robot to behave properly, to have all the information needed for the problem, to make sure that there are no surprises when making calculations and deciding how to behave. However, on many domains and problems, this task becomes imposible, as there are many different details to be taken in consideration and is very probable to forget some of them.

Furthermore, even with a perfect representation of the world, the world model would become so big that, in order to process all the information, the computational cost of processing all this information would make the task unrealistic.

These problems came up to the robotics community with the STRIPS architecture 20211215193324 in conjunction with the frame problem 20211210204216.

Notes References

20211215193324 STRIPS Architecture

20211210204216 The frame problem (representation)

20210711201454 Robotics Basics - Deliberative Paradigm

20210514183815 INDEX - Robotics


(Murphy 2000)

Murphy, Robin. 2000. Introduction to AI Robotics. Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.