Topological path planning
Topological path planning represents the space in terms of connections between landmarks on the environment, this is, a perceptually distinctive feature of the environment. This representations can be either relational 20220221202140 (graph style representation) or associative 20220221202405 (couple sensing with the location).
- Landmarks are used to locate the robot on the environment.
- Gateways are a special kind of landmarks, one where the robot can change its direction of navigation, making it’s detection a crucial task.
- Landmarks can be artificial (some features are added to an existing object) or natural (already existing, although not designed for perception).
- Landmarks need to be easily recognizable, need to support the task dependent activity and need to be perceivable from different viewpoints.
Notes References
20210714190242 Robotics Basics - Navigation
20210514183815 INDEX - Robotics
(Murphy 2000)
Murphy, Robin. 2000. Introduction to AI Robotics. Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.