Robotics Sensors - Basics
Sensors are devices in the robot used to measure properties of the world, either of the robot or of the environment. It’s very important to take in consideration that this measurements of the environment have to be computed to obtain actual information, and this is called sensor processing. The transformation from sensor output to intelligent responses is called signal-to-symbol.
The biggest deal when measuring the environment is called uncertainty. We are unable to be sure about the state of the world and the robot, since every sensor has in it’s measurement some error and noise, but we can address this by using a sensor model to interprete the data measurements 20220228202551.
An abstraction of sensors can be used to facilitate working with them on behaviors 20220202200212.
Designing a sensor suit for a robot is a crucial step on it’s design, and it has to be seriously and precisely defined 20220202202133.
Sensor information
Sensors can provides us with three different types of information:
- Propioception: referred to an internal frame of reference, like the amount of rotation performed by a wheel.
- Extereoception: referred to the layout of the environment.
- Exproprioception: position of the robot relative to the environment.
Many different sensors exist right now, from simple 20210523205724 to very complex ones 20210523205908, and the more complex they are, the more processing is needed. Also, we can use different sensors together to obtain more information about something by using sensors fusion 20220121192933.
Notes References
20210514183815 INDEX - Robotics
20220202200212 Logic sensors abstractions
20220121192933 Sensor fusion
20220202202133 On designing a sensor suit for a robot
(Murphy 2000) (Matariâc 2007)
Matariâc, Maja J. 2007. The Robotics Primer. Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents Series. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
Murphy, Robin. 2000. Introduction to AI Robotics. Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.